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About Sacred Path

You do not need to work to become spiritual. You are spiritual; you need only to remember that fact. Spirit is within you. God is within you.

- Julia Cameron

Rev. Mary Jane Cole

Spiritual Director

Mary Jane earned her M.Div. from Memphis Theological Seminary and is ordained into the Order of Deacon in the Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.  Her educational background includes degrees in psychology and rehabilitation counseling.  She has served as a hospital chaplain and as associate pastor of First United Methodist Church Little Rock, Arkansas. 


She received a certification in Spiritual Direction from SMU Perkins School of Theology and currently maintains a private practice of spiritual direction and a secondary appointment as a Deacon to First United Methodist Little Rock. She serves on the Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church Board of Ordained Ministry and is on the faculty of Local Pastor License school teaching Spiritual Formation.  


Mission of Sacred Path, Inc.

Sacred Path exists to support individuals, churches and organizations in deepening their intimacy with God through contemplative practices.  This will happen by providing individual and group spiritual direction, workshop and retreat leadership and curriculum which will enhance individual opportunity to experience transformation fueled by the love and compassion of God in Christ.  

​© Sacred Path, Inc.

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